
Country of origin : Japan

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  • Analogue
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Technically advanced moving-coil cartridges in the finest tradition of Japanese craftsmanship.


One of our most popular cartridge ranges.

Dynavector Systems Ltd of Tokyo Japan was founded by Dr Noburo Tominari in 1974 after he retired as a Mechanical Engineering professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University. He was a brilliant engineer as is witnessed by the many refinements he has brought to the quality of recorded music via his cartridge, tonearm and electronic designs. Music was his great hobby along with cars; he was also a leading light at Mikuni, developing fuel injection systems.

In the 70’s Dr Tominari set about designing a revolutionary series of moving coil pick up cartridges, their descendants still in production today; the Karat series. These were the very first cartridges to feature short gemstone cantilevers. To make the Karat concept work meant having to first design and build a very special coil winding machine due to the miniscule size of the armature and need to wind neat coils to get the output required. Other manufacturers would love to own this technology which is still family operated at a secret location.

His son Taro and his team of dedicated graduates at Dynavector Systems continue this work ensuring that the fantastic and irreplaceable legacy of recorded music that exists on LP will be readily available to future generations.

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